Baptist Church History - The History of the True Church

Baptist Church History (Part 1) - God's Promise to Preserve His Church; Perpetuity of the Ministry

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History Table of Contents I. The purpose of this study. II. The promise by God to preserve His church III. The perpetuity of the ministry is inseparably connected to the perpetuity of the church. IV. The marks of a true church of Jesus Christ. 1. Christ is the head and founder of the church. 2...

Baptist Church History (Part 2) - Baptist Distinctives

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History IV. The marks of a true church of Jesus Christ -- things to look for when looking for the true church throughout history. 1. Christ is the head and founder of the church. A. Christ is the founder of the true church (Mat 16:18). B. Christ is the only head of the true church (Eph 5:23). 2. The Bibl...

Baptist Church History (Part 3) - Errors in True Churches; Catholics and Protestants not God's Church; Baptists not Protestants

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History V. Error in a church doesn't necessarily preclude a church from being a true church. 1. Consider some of the serious errors that were found in churches in the NT: A. Lack of discipline in the church at Corinth (1Co 5:1-2). B. Works-based salvation in the Galatian churches (Gal 1:6, 3:1-3; 5:1-4),...

Baptist Church History (Part 4) - 1st Century Churches; Montanists; Novatians; Donatists

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History X. The lineage of true Baptist churches from the 1st to the 21st century 1. The first century churches A. John the Baptist was the first Baptist (Mat 3:1). i. John opened up the New Testament church era (Luk 16:16). ii. John was the first to announce the arrival of the kingdom of God/heaven (Mat...

Baptist Church History (Part 5) - Paulicians; Albigenses; Paterines; Catharists

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History 5. The Paulicians (7th - 11th Centuries) A. The Paulicians were a continuation of the Donatists and were found in Armenia and the eastern Byzantine Empire, and even as far west as Rome and France. i. "Instead of Constantine having originated the Paulicians, or of their beginning in his time, Mos...

Baptist Church History (Part 6) - Petrobrussians; Henricians; Arnoldists; Waldenses

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History 8. The Petrobrussians and Henricians (12th Century) A. The Petrobrussians were named after their famous leader Peter de Bruys. They appeared in southern France in the early 12th century and numbered in the hundreds of thousands. After he was martyred, Peter was succeeded by a preacher named He...

Baptist Church History (Part 7) - Anabaptists; Welsh Baptists; American Baptists; Primitive Baptists; Minneapolis Church

For a master copy of the outline, click here: Baptist Church History 11. The Anabaptists (3rd - 16th Century) A. The Anabaptists as a named group arose in the early 1500s in Germany. i. The term Anabaptist means one who re-baptizes. ii. Anabaptist - 1. lit. One who baptizes over again, whether frequently as a point of ritual, or once as a due performance of what ...